We supply refractory patching materials for many applications.
Patching refractories, a kind of refractory repair material, can be applied as spray, ramming or trowel.
Alumina Refractory Repair Patching
Refractory repair patching material is easy to use repair materials with good performance for solidification and adhesiveness, mainly used as maintenance material for induction furnace.
- High refractoriness
- Excellent fluidity and plasticity
- Environmental Consulting
- Reduce residue and porosity of the products
- Good resistance to thermal shock
- Good resistance to corrosion, erosion & abrasion
- Prolong the life cycle of refractory lining
Zircon Refractory Repair Patching
Zircon patch is ideal for both hot and cold repairs. Application can be done by hand or trowel. Zircon has advantages of good resistance to corrosion from molten glass, and Zircon patch is mainly used for repairs in glass furnaces.
- Repairs to silica refractories
- Repairs to alumina refractories
- Repairs to zircon refractories
- Repair the crowns of glass furnaces
- Repair the superstructures of glass furnaces